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St. John's Primary School, Swatragh, Maghera

Latest News - Year 5

2023/2024 School Year

11th Jun 2024
Year 5 celebrating International Day of Play. We did shadow tag, chalk games and...
24th May 2024
Y5&6 enjoyed a talk from the Dairy Council. We talked about having a healthy...
8th May 2024
A fantastic visit today from Paula. Informing us of how to respect dogs and look...
3rd May 2024
Year 5 used chalk to work on our numeracy skills of clockwise/ anti-clockwise and...
3rd May 2024
Lots of planting taking place. Pumpkins, herbs and wildflowers 🌸 🌿 
25th Mar 2024
For Irish week we designed a Ceili t-shirt and had a few winners for our competition...
24th Jan 2024
Year 5 had a great lesson with Donna from Sustrans today. We talked about the importance...
20th Dec 2023
Beautiful clay snowmen created by the year 5s. A lovely ornament to add to the Christmas...
16th Nov 2023
We had great fun reading to each other. 📚